We can help you
remove chewing gum

from outside of shopping

precints, hypermarkets
or your home pavement.

Call Gum Away now

(01429 291202)

Chewing gum is a growing environmental problem and is classified as litter under UK law. Local authorities have a legal responsibility to remove chewing gum from public areas.

Problems with High Pressure Power Washing

Traditional high pressure power washing uses around 8 litres of water per minute, which can quickly flood an area and cause damage by dislodging the grout and sand in paving joints.

Power washing also tends to merely move the chewing gum to another area where it reforms and sticks to the surface again which in turn makes areas unsightly.

Chewing Gum Litter - A Growing Problem

Chewing gum has become one of the fastest growing environmental problems of the past decade.

Retail parks, schools, colleges, shopping centres and public spaces that have cost millions to develop have been spoilt with covered with trodden-in blobs of discarded gum.

The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 classified chewing gum as litter and allows for the issuing of fines and fixed penalty notices to people who don't dispose of used gum properly.